Then there's the addition of a new son-in-law Eric! He's a great guy and we're very happy for our daughter.
Here's a little cutie named "Hannah" (she's just one of six grandchildren I might add - not bragging at all!). I helped watch Hannah and her brother with one of my daughters while her hubby was away. She sure loves Grandma's yogurt! "Can I have more?"
So if you've been wondering where I've been...well, there's more but I won't bore you with the details.
The good news is that I have not stopped making wonderful things for my boutique on Etsy - Poladora. I'll soon post some sneak peeks.
In the meantime, check out my latest promo - anything in my "featured" block (four items that change from week to week), for free shipping (domestic), on any item. No minimum!
Hmmmm...Fall is in the air...could be lampwork torch time!
Aw, such a cutie! No wonder you love her so! :) Today we went to the library and picked up some Elmo DVDs and more books!