Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tippy Hedren, Where Are You?

I woke this morning to the most amazing scene! Outside of my bedroom window, and covering the entire front yard like a carpet, was a flock of migrating black birds. They stretched all the way from the house to the street! And I live on a farm!

I called my hubby to come look and as soon as he walked into the room, they flushed. And what a scene! My whole window became just a wall of black. (My camera is never where I need it!)

They flew up over the house and into the pasture just outside of our back yard. The numbers were so great, I just could not capture it on film - sniff.

Anyway, in my bathrobe and through a double pane window with a storm in the back of the house, these were the only shots I could get.

Geeze - hold still, will you?? This is worse than trying to capture the grandkids!

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